DNS turns domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load internet pages. Every device connected to the internet has its own IP address, which is used by other devices to locate the device.

DNS servers make it possible for people to input normal words into their browser, without having to keep track of the IP address for every website.

Four servers work with each other to get the correct IP address to the client, and they include: DNS recursors, root nameservers, TLD nameservers and authoritative nameservers.

DNS recursors is a server designed to receive queries from client machines through applications such as web browsers.

The root name servers’ job is to answer requests sent to it for records in in the root zone.

TLD name servers keep the IP address of the second-level domain contained within the TLD name.

Authoritative name server is the final name server and the last stop name server query. If the authoritative name server has access to the requested record, it will return the IP address for the requested hostname back to the DNS recursor that made the initial request.

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